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Your Project Potential
In a Click of a Button

Real-time metrics and insights
for quick and informed decisions

With Urban Dashboard the gap between creativity and profitability no longer exist

the world of Urban Dashboard

a world where GIS layers, parametric planning, and advanced analytics are at your fingertips, empowering you to make fast, informed decisions for any project.
Quickly compare multiple alternatives, assess profitability, and explore a range of metrics all with just a click

Urban renewal
in Israel

The only platform that is compatible
to the dynamic Israeli market


Instant analytics
for smart plans

Effortless insights and metrics
Areas and density, comprehensive economic calculations, public needs programs, sustainable transportation metrics and more


Creating parametric alternatives

Parametric design that turns into a dynamic 3D model at the
click of a button,
Easily create endless
alternatives and reach
your project goals


Plan analysis in one place

Access to the most up-to-date GIS layers, including national and local master plans, Xplan, TAMA 70, and a variety of transportation and infrastructure layers

early stage planning

Save time, money and resources and focus on
creating high-quality, optimal and sustainable planning:

Urban Dashboard is a SaaS platform developed for
real-estate experts, architects, planners and local authorities

Urban Dashboard, Powered by
Paz group, revolutionizes traditional, two-dimensional urban planning by transitioning to a dynamic, 3D parametric model integrated with geographic information systems (GIS).

This approach enables real-time
measurement and analysis,
streamlining the planning process.

Our platform empowers diverse
stakeholders to collaborate efficiently, evaluate multiple alternatives, and make data-driven decisions from the earliest stages, including feasibility studies
and initial planning

Your vision, your projects
and your future
all in one powerful tool